Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day of First Grade

Hello World,
Today was my first day of school. It was a lot of fun. I even got two recesses! My teacher is nice and I've already made some friends.

My little brother was asking about me all day. He still stays at home with my mom until his preschool starts next week. I missed him too. I was glad he was there when I got off of the bus.

Oh well, I'm a little tired from a full day of school. So instead of writing about it, I'll just tell you about it in my vlog.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I had an Awesome Summer!!

I had a real fun summer. But it is almost over. Tomorrow I go back to school. I'll be in the first grade this year.

I did a lot of things this summer. It was kind of busy. Instead of writing about each one, I'll just add a few pictures of some of my favorite things I did this summer.
I found a lot of cool things on the beach!

I got an electric scooter for my birthday. Here I am riding it in Virginia Beach.

My brother and I spent a lot of time at the pool!

Comfy Summer Reading

That's me about to ride the Gravitron

I'm the little blue dot on the right side of the boat sitting by myself. I love this ride.

Taking the Philly Phlash around town!

Wading in the Love Park fountain

Fun at the Please Touch Museum

I got to ride on an old Fire Truck!

Building a big sand fortress with my Pop Pop

I built the wooden submarine Nana sent me
I joined the Lego Club!

I went to Lancaster to the Toy Train Museum and to the Strasburg Train Station.
I also took ice skating lessons. I'm getting really good!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Boating at Marsh Creek State Park

Yesterday, my family and I went to Marsh Creek State Park. My brother and I played on the playground and then we all took a short hike. At the end of our hike we found a dock with kayaks, canoes, sail boats, paddle boards, and electrical boats.

We decided to take an electrical boat for a ride.

First we headed out to the middle of the lake. Then my dad took us to an area that looked like swamps. There was a lot of stuff that looked like seaweed and there were trees with low hanging branches. We saw bubbles coming out of the water but we never found out what caused them.

We left the swamps to look for a better place to pull over at the edge. We wanted to find a cool place that was far away from everything. We finally found a perfect place where the thin branches and leaves touched the water. When we went behind them it felt like we were secluded. Everything was very quiet. I was going to drop the anchor but we came to a perfect stop rested against trees.

Before we took the boat back to the dock, my dad pulled out to the  middle of the lake and let me drop the anchor.  After we stopped for a few minutes I pulled the anchor back into the boat all by myself.

It was a great day and we all had lots of fun. I hope I can get on an electrical boat again soon.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summer Learning Means Summer Earning

School is out but I still do some learning. I read books (I'm reading Magic School Bus now), do science projects, and do different types of workbooks.

I have an Algebra workbook, a Daily Math Practice workbook, and a Korean Math workbook. I also do other things with the Brain Quest workbook.

In my math books there is adding, subtracting, patterns and there are even multiplication word problems (I don't know what that means but that's what my dad says).  

Doing work books is kind of like my job. It's how I earn things like going outside or getting to play the Wii. Sometimes the questions are hard but it is worth it. It makes me happy when I get the questions right. I asked my mom to circle them if they are right.

Here are some pictures of the books and some of the problems.

Here are my workbooks

This was a long problem 
My dad says number 3 is multiplication

Sometimes it is hard but it is worth it