Monday, July 1, 2013

Body Surfing and Bike Riding in Virginia Beach

So we made it to Virginia Beach. We had a fun ride from Philadelphia. My favorite part was when we stopped and made a mixed fruit icee drink.

When we arrived, it was too late to go to the ocean. So we hung out at the beach house and played a lot of games. It was great getting to play with all of my cousins since I don't get to see them much.

Yesterday we went to the beach. I was body surfing a lot. I'm getting pretty good at it. My mommy and I made deep sand tunnels and filled them with water - that was my favorite.

Later that night, we went to the boardwalk. There were bands playing and people were walking around and riding bikes. I saw a man on a tall unicycle doing tricks. But the funnest part was getting to ride my Pop Pop's bike. He pushed me up and down the boardwalk. It was such a great time.

I can't wait to post a lot of pictures from Virginia Beach.